Let me ask you a question.
Are you struggling to raise capital for your multifamily syndication business?
Have you gone down all the avenues?
Have you you tried to raise money, but you just can’t seem to raise enough of it?
In this video, I’m going to share the number one secret ingredient to scaling your capital by 10x.
What’s one major hurdle syndicators face when it comes to raising more capital?
When I speak to syndicators, and they’ve raised money – $500,000 – maybe even a little bit more, their biggest problem is they can’t meet enough new investors
Their biggest problem is, they can’t raise more money. And because of that, they can’t keep up with the deal sizes and the deals they have, which of course, keep getting bigger, and this stops their business.
They feel stuck.
They can’t progress.
I’m going to tell you the secret ingredient, to help you attract new investors.
I can help you raise millions of dollars in just a few days.
We recently completed a deal where we raised $7.6 million in just 24 hours.
But I didn’t figure all of this out from day one.
In fact, I made a lot of mistakes.
I exhausted my personal network quickly, as well. I raised almost a million dollars, then I couldn’t attract more capital. When I started my online journey, I applied what I’d learned to my blog and education people about how to become active syndicators.
I built my email list. I created a free download, but after people downloaded it, I never sent them another email. I struggled to raise capital because I didn’t develop a relationship with the people who were on my list.
Through trial and error, I refined my system.
I created the platform builder framework that has proven time and time again to meet not only our capital raising goals, but 10x that.
By developing this framework and applying it to our business, we’ve become one of the leading authorities on multifamily syndications.
The Apartment Building Investing Podcast is in the top 100 investing podcasts. We have a best selling book with over 600 reviews. We have 50,000 plus on our email list. We control over $89 million in multifamily real estate, through our company Nighthawk equity.
And like I mentioned, we recently raised $7.6 million in 24 hours.
So are you ready to hear the secret to raising capital?
It may surprise you.
Here it is…
The secret is raving fans.
What in the world do raving fans have to do with raising capital?
Well, potential investors who stumble across your website and download your freebie and give you their email address…they are not going to invest with you just by downloading something.
That was the mistake I made. I didn’t develop a relationship with them.
You have to turn those email addresses into raving fans who want to invest with you. You don’t just want potential investors. You want raving fans.
So, how do you develop raving fans? Great question.
You turn those potential investors into raving fans by giving them value.
You provide high quality content.
In this case, we’re educating them about this wonderful world of multifamily syndications that will generate cash flow for them. We show them how they can build wealth, and how they can reduce their taxes, as well. And by educating them with content – blog posts, emails, videos, podcasts – over time, we’re not only adding value, we’re also building trust.
When that happens – when you add value build trust – you will turn those potential investors into raving fans who can’t wait to invest with you.
So the secret is raving fans, but how do you find them?
By building an online thought leadership platform.
We do that with the Platform Builders framework.
This is a proprietary system that fills your pipeline with the right kind of investors, so you can constantly grow your syndication business. You automate this process of attracting new investors and developing a relationships, and you use your platform to scale your syndication business.
By reinvesting in that platform by promoting it, you’re going to attract even more investors and raise millions of dollars in days.
The Platform Builders framework helps you to attract the right investor.
It puts a system in place for capturing leads, because if someone stumbles on your website, how are you to capture that visitor?
You want their email address, so you can continue that conversation. You want to develop a relationship with these new potential investors, so they eventually turn into raving fans who invest with you. I call all this stuff the core platform, and it includes automation, and behind-the-scenes funnels.
If you want similar results, if you want to 10x your capital, raise capacity, scale your syndication business, then you need to learn how to build one of these platforms.
Sign-up for the upcoming Platform Builders masterclass.
I’ll detail the exact steps you need to take to begin creating a platform to attract investors and develop relationships so that they invest with you.
And then once you have your platform up and running, you’ll be able to 10x your current capital raise capacity, which most people do in one to two years.
The only way to dramatically scale your syndication business is with a platform.
So sign-up for the next Platform Builders masterclass here and start turning your potential investors into raving fans!